Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
I love not knowing things. It forces me to be aware of opportunities in unexpected places and be open to ideas from others. It makes me a disruptor, and innovator. That’s why I dare call myself a wizard.
The uncertainty cone is a concept that has been gaining traction in the business world, and for good reason. It refers to the space of possible outcomes and actions that exist when operating in a complex, uncertain business ecosystem.

Rather than trying to manage uncertainty, businesses must embrace it in order to capture value from their ecosystem. By doing so, they gain an advantage over competitors who are more hesitant to act in the face of uncertainty. This requires contracts to be flexible enough to help capture value whilst at the same time drive the realization of objectives we have today. For me this is a balancing act.
At its core, embracing uncertainty means being open to exploring new opportunities, even when the outcome is unknown. It requires a willingness to take risks and make decisions with incomplete information, but with the knowledge that learning from those decisions will drive future success.
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to embrace uncertainty is more crucial than ever. Companies that are able to do so will be better equipped to navigate uncertainty and capitalize on new opportunities, while those that cling to outdated methods of managing uncertainty may be left behind.
Don’t be afraid to step into the uncertainty cone – embrace it, and use it to drive you and your business forward!
Make not knowing what the future is a core strength and not a weakness. Talk to the crazy visionaries out there. Start spending more time with the super early start up’s.
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